Originally posted by Arglebargle Going for unbalanced classes with points of strength and weakness is fine, as long as each one has roughly equivalent chances to be both great and weak. Having one generally 'go-to' combination defeats that design…
Originally posted by FrinkiacVII Originally posted by hardicon The real question I always wanted to ask is why you guys let Jack Emmert push Enhancement Diversification through right after a huge nerf to all powers. That nearly killed the game an…
I played as a Fire/Ice Tanker, and the reason I disliked the burn-fear was that it was a rather narrowly selective application of the mob AI getting "smarter", so it came across as half ass and vindictive. If the AI was truly smart, they'd never hug…
1. 100 (assuming no other factors)
2. 75 (ditto)
3. Hoo boy. I figure I did this the hard way and made a copy+pasted array in Excel to generate the results 1323 times; with an average that hovered around 59-60 (truncated to the nearest whole numbe…