If you have jedi academy try playing moviebattles2 mod for it, its fun and populated. http://moviebattles.com/
Here is half decent video of saber fight
Out of the lot to save you time i'll recommend:
Darkfall - Only reason im not playing is because its too time consuming.
Mortal - Maybe 3 months later when they fix it it will be decent.
Eve - Im considering resubbing
UO - But only if you fi…
Darkfall is a good game, but mindless grind will ruin your social life.
Mortal online seems that even in 1 year time it will not be as good as darkfall can be if they took out all the grind
Darkfall is good game, i wish they made it 50% less grindy it would be so much popular...
Other suggestion is Entropia Universe, best economy game by far, very brain challenging game but its kinda real money game so instead of subscribtion you…
UO was my first MMORPG and since then i just love pwning n00bz and looting their stuff, i also love resskilling them so they cry more. I also love when you paralyze them and they shout ''STOP, STOP, LETS TALK, PLEASE DONT KILL ILL GIVE U..'' Then i …
Im in the same boat to be honest, there is just nothing out there anymore.
Perhaps you could try Project Entropia if you like 'real life' type economy, PVE and exploring.
Game requires depositing real money but for 20bucks a month you could go l…