Guys like Kilt and Plummerx is the best example that this game is great.
Excuse me but don't file me under the heading "wants to slag off ww2online" I would much rather the game succeeds.
I do make negative comments about it but certainly not her…
lol, plummerx was about to get banned for his rants and whining on simHQ in violation of the policies so I guess now he will live here? buwhahahahhahha....
So what's that got to do with the topic ?
sres wrote..
Kilt, just walk away from the game, if you're not subscribed why do you endevour to ruin other peoples fun or potential fun. Your idea of what the game should be changed from that of the game producer, 4 years for a game is great su…
I really couldn't in good concience post positive aspects about the game without also giving an account of the negative aspects.
Since i'd rather leave people to make up their own minds, I think posting those negative comments would be a bad idea …
Of course it does, I did say "unmoderated view"
However it shows no more disrespect to the game makers than they themselves show to some customers past and present.
It also contains many postitive aspects about the game.
Apart from all that, I…