Hello my name is fred, well actually it isnt but hey. I like the name fred do you... actually i dont i like the name pete. I know somebody called pete. He is a fireman and he is gay. whats this... Fred looks across the room to see a baby dancing in …
I played them 2 games for a while but got tired of them. Then i started to play planetside and i havent got bored. A truely awesome game if you like FPS. Also have a look into city of villains, that looks like a great game. I also hear guild wars is…
Looks alot like the old pokemon on gameboy
Looks like a pretty decent game for free, i may check it out. Also my friend was looking for a free mmorpg, so ill send him the link.
I know what you meen dude with the rpg's like lineage/lineage 2, eq/eq2 wow and the rest are very repetetive but maby this gaming style isnt for you. Try a different game like planetside, that works for me. I got bored of games like wow but its beca…