Yes... but I still dont have a PL. lol I thought this would be easier than finding one for my pt on the game, we forget that idea . But still, if anyone will PL for me and my pt PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE P…
Yes, if you have a local GAMESTOP, or an EB GAMES, you can buy controlers for computor that are almost identical to PS2, or you can just get a converter there. They sell them for very cheap, used or brand new.
Alright, I havnt played EQ, but from my experience, FF11 is really good. Gameplay is awsome, customer service is pretty good. You asked whats the equivalent of a lvl 70RNG in ff11... well that would be a lvl 70RNG. Anyway, hope this helps ya to make…
Aw man... on the Bahamut server its packed tight. And judging by the fact that they keep adding servers to the game, i think people are still coming. So yeah go on and set up another account. '
Ok... here is what you do. First go to Sarutabaruta, preferably WEST. Then if your a high enough level,link a bunch of crawlers and kill em all. They drop silk thread. That sells for 44k a stack. Also you can farm Spini Spipi. It is an NM that drops…
You cant download it... you have to go to walmart or elsewhere and buy it. It kinda stinks caue you have to set up an account and everything. But after you do that, its worth it.
Ah... that is true. I never thought about it that way. I guess ill go do that. Still though if anyone on the BAHAMUT server is willing to help me, keep posting.
Oh yeah, I know a bunch of adults that play the game. There are still a bunch of people who you can play with. I mean who cares what age you are. Anybody will still party with ya.
I dont yet, but if ya need one I can buy you one in windy, Im in Sarutabaruta right now. I can probably get it on Sunday so we can work on it then to at about 3 o'clock but im not sure, ill keep posting to let ya know if or when i can do it. Thnx al…
Ya. I have it on PS2. Its about 99 cents per character. But to go out to Best Buy or something and buy it like I did its like 60 Buck for a basic one, likw without chains of promithia expansion pack. Its well worth it. The only downside is, that if…