Originally posted by Four0Six Originally posted by nerovipus32 Originally posted by Four0Six What is funny is the Eldar launch (tabletop) is driving many away from GW. Viewed as "the last straw", by several long time GW fans that are personal f…
Originally posted by Ziegler Originally posted by patrickbalthazar
The game is not going to be like the TT experience - the gameplay will be more focused as you being part of an army, not making an army yourself. No pay-to-win! There will be …
I say make it a B2P title. Let ork boyz be the F2P trial class and leave it at that.
F2P orks can go many ways...some are good some are bad.
1.) The ork boyz get tired of being fodder and getting farmed so they quit or buy out of the boyz ru…
Originally posted by Stenchburg
I don't really need extra chapters. One mistake these games make is allowing players to dye their armor resulting in lots of ugly colors running around.
By keeping one chapter, you can avoid the eyesore of a milli…
Originally posted by garrett They do have access to all of the armies, these are just going to be the ones they launch with. Also, keep in mind that almost every MMO coming out in the future will be some form of FTP / Premium. That is the world we n…
It's already flawed from the start.
People who don't want to play orks will obviously buy their way to the faction of their choice...I.E. Space Marine. The ratios will be DESTROYED from day one. When you give one faction the OBVIOUS advantage ov…
The lack of customization is another nail in the coffin already. Pretty much every Warhammer game has pretty much given you the ability to customize and said have fun...to strangely LOCK you to one chapter is annoying and really stupid. They talk ab…
Originally posted by stori11 Don't whine about limited f2p access, its a game, a business, not a god damn charity. These people don't spend months working deadlines so that you can download the game, check out all the content for free and say meh, f…
Originally posted by TsaboHavoc Originally posted by Postal13
Oh man, there is going to be a SHITLOAD of Ork Boyz!!!
oh yes just imagine the epicness of shoving ur chainsaw sword in the Freeloaders and kids asses.
it's typical disgusting…