Pluto is nearly 100% RP server and if you say that you are a new player i bet you will get more help than you will ever need =P Atleast i got like 400k of money, a hovertech and lotsa weapons when i said i was a new player...
"When you see a giant…
It will not be a free expansion BTW, read the forums
"When you see a giant mushroom middle of green field and a pink cow is flying in the sky, you know im near."
I think you ate a CyberHound or something There are strippers and all in Neocron but those are not nude. I have heard that there is a nude patch floating somewhere in the net but i have never looked for it. Why would you like to watch nude game str…
Well, in my opinion alot has changed and will change when BDoY comes out. I know that Neocron isint the most stable game but i dont crash too much. I maybe crash once a day or less and i have only lost one item due a bug. Syching is still there, but…
Neocron. AO is just simply so fecking boring that you cant play it more than 1 hour before you fall to sleep. Besides the tradeskill system sucks... Actually AO is quite like BiosFear, you run around killing 1000 mobs and get a level, buy a weapon a…