User created modules won't work - missions difficulty/reward balance is a subtle thing, and you can trust most players to tend torwards making an empty room with a kobold, 50 raid quality chests, and 20k xp reward for killing the kobold.
it's changing the learning curve - it went (pre-patch) from pathetically easy 1-29 to WOAH HARD OW OW OW OW OW from 30-50 (minus certain classes)
And as far as the guy looking for a reason why to join again - it's virtually bug free compar…
Originally posted by Krileon
Get off your high horse.. I wasn't targeting you in anyway. I made a statement about that crappy game. Not you. To assume it was about you thinking you posted about Rappelz first (which you didn't) is just dumb.
I got a beta invite, but i might not sign up - game looks meh - like six identical fighter classes and one spellcaster. and since i haven't signed up i'm not violating the NDA, so sh.