BaS and BD are ok my radar, hate to wait for those two, exspecially because I liked BaS since I heared of it back in my active Aion time.
But i am from europe so i am used to wait ages for some games and always get some bad publisher....
I think i …
Thanks for all the answers, yeah, maybe i should provide some more infos.
What I want is something with good group contend, i mean Dungeons, raids and/or group quests/events.
I want sonething that doesnt make me feel like playing a single player ga…
After doing some researches i came to the conclusion that a dot class would be my thing.
As far as i know wow, rift and ff:arr all feature some sort of dot class. Any other games you can rocommend?
If not, which of the three games mentioned above …
Okay, i have played it before and i couldnt get beyond the combat system because it felt so bad but I will give it a second try.
Any other suggestions, maybe something for m Need of playing necro/dark knight?
My only problem with tera is that I am from germany, so if I want to play with other germans I would have to deal with gameforge as Publisher and I dont know if that would be worth it...
Thanks for the suggestions, I will try to provide some feedback.
First, I am not into sci-fi so that kicks swtor off the list.
I never liked elderscrolls lore and world so teso is off too.
Secret world has a terrible terrible combat system and gw2 …
After some research I think it will be eighther realm reborn or back to wow. Is wow worth it atm or should I wait for the release of wod. Does realm reborn do anything better then wow?
Rift and ff both look interesting. Ff sure looks amazing, rift looks a bit dated but it sounds interesting non the less. How is the endgame in rift? Maybe compared to ff? Wod is on my radar, will try it for sure:-)
Thanks for the amazing help so fa…
I think I learned it the hard way, I dont want this "breath of fresh air" , I just want my good old mmo, with an item spiral, gear grinding and dungeon runs, just like blizzard brought us years ago.
For sure, I dont mind some new Elements here and …
I Inders tried archeage, didnt seemed like a pve game at all, more like a pvp/crafting/farming mmo. Couldnt get into the class system, aktually decidet to drop it for something more pve centric.
I think I will settle down with either Path of Exile or Diablo 3, any recommendations?
Is one of them better than the other one or should I avoid one of them?
Sorry for that, most times i am posting from a mobile device what makes it kind of hard for me to write long posts and because my mother language is german it often gets kind of hard to write so much english stuff
Now I am at my PC so lets get …
Any traditional mmo i can play and focus mainly on pvp? Rift, tera? I even got a copy of gw2 :-) is there a moba you would recommend me as a newb to the genre? Would like to try one if its a good choice for pvp :-)
I tried mobas once, didnt grew onto me. I totally like battleground pvp, right after that comes open world pvp :-) i like gear progression, just like in my old days at wow. Doing pvp, get pwnd, buy gear, pwn some people, you know what i mean should…
Thanks for all the recomendations, nothing of the above could convince me into playing it. Guess i will wait for wildstar, archage and Black Gold :-) will continue playing aion, rift or tera dir so long but i am not sure wich of them would Nr the be…
I have played vindictus a long time ago, wasnt verry impressed but i will give it a try and look how it developed. Realm of the mad god looks more like an old 8 Bit mmo, i will try it but i meant something like old snes games :-) any other suggestio…
Hi Folks, its me again. Played tera for a while but it seems like i just cant get into the whole action combat thingy. I will try aion as soon as steel cavalery hits eu. Abybody got an opinion on final fantasy arr? Seems like something i could like.