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  • Originally posted by SnarlingWolf ...snip... To me it has always been easiest to look at all of the other industries out there.   We started with pay by minute phone and internet. Choose who you call and when you call but pay for each one. T…
  • Originally posted by Agricola1 I've heard through the grapevine that TSW has a nasty little memory leak, is that true? Because it's De ja vu, TSW launch is reminding me of AoC launch just a bit better. I get the feeling that in 6 months Funcom wil…
  • Sorry, post landed in the wrong spot.
  • Originally posted by therock3000 hell.. after the harry potter movie series are over, i want them to make  Harry Potter Online RPG! I'd actually be shocked if this doesn't happen.
  • "LoTR looks like WoW, but with different graphics and art....." Any claim that LoTR = WoW with different graphics is way off base.  I see nothing anywhere that should even give a prospective gamer that idea, so why even bring up this irrelevant fl…
  • I think that their initial success or failure will depend entirely on their marketing campaign.  This game seems to be flying under the radar of a large portion of the gaming community.  Maybe I'm mistaken, but the Vanguard hype is pretty vigorou…
  • Say there, Fanbois (you know who you are), why are you participating in the "Why did you leave EQ2" thread when you obviously haven't left EQ2?  This isn't the "Why you are wrong for not enjoying EQ2 as much as I do" thread.  No, I don't need an ans…
  • I'm glad to read more tutorial content is being added. A few months ago I played the game for a free trial (5 days, I think) and while I found the game intruiging, I did spend far too much of that free trial time simply trying to figure out what I …