Wow. Ever think of warning people that it gives away Harry Potter. I havnt read the new book yet and it just gave it away to me. I think im going to go have to kill the maker of that, kill you, then go commit suicide.
when diesel was on conan he said that he was a hardcore dnd player back when he was younger and he has a tatoo going across his chest with his characters name on it. he played for 14 years or something like that.
Originally posted by DerfelCadarn
I read the book, nearly the whole thing is a fiction. From a Art History standpoint, it's really a funny book. However, entertainment wise it was pretty good.
Well the story is fiction but the ideas and things brou…
wow ONLY 7 new accounts all made on 6/29/05 all with 3 posts.
anyways family guy easily beats them out. the simpsons may be the longest running animation but its old and the newer episodes aren't even that funny anymore. you have to watch the old st…
the only anime i know something about is cowboy bebop. great show, got a lotta style. I havnt seen all the episodes yet though. They are currently shipping me the 5th DVD right now.
heres a site with a lot of downloadable games that students from digi pen made. I havnt actually played any of them yet but some of the games look ok.
Hey is there a demo or trial for eve because it wont let me play unless i have an account which costs money. Id rather not pay for a game that ive never played before.