I don't see anything wrong with this game its free good graphics There is always something to do with other ppl the only that would suck about this game is all the hacks and macros screwing it up for other ppl but still even they have fun with th…
Where did you download the game from? cuz my friend downloaded from i think e-games the next day he went to log on and his password got changed and he lost everything but make sure you either get it from www.download.com or www.knightonlineworld.co…
My Clan is now a 30+ clan and you must speak english. We are seaking some priests and mages
The clan contains 15 members most are above 30 and a few lvl 40's and 50's.
I just reached lvl 30 and am waiting for some more recruits All intrested P…
I am not really sure what it means but you should try unistalling it and reinstalling it and get the new directx player also you can get everything from the main site know www.knightonlineworld.com i hope my info helps
Hey np If you play in Cypher you have to go to Cypher 1 and go to lufferson and talk to the inn hostess there give her 500k and a clan name and you got a clan. or you could join my clan called the Blue_Rebellion and its a karus clan and an entirely …
If your an orc and you log on Cypher 2 or Cypher 1 you can join my clan its an all english clan you can pm me _ShadowX_ i am lvl 23 but i know what i am doing i have 13 members in my clan! its Brand new clan its called the Blue_Rebellion and its a …
You can join my Clan! but you have to be karus. My clan name is Blue_Rebellion and you can pm my char _ShadowX_ i am lvl 23 and my clan is new but it has strong players in it a few lvl 30+ and a lvl 41 and 56 those are my top clan members! It is C…
You can join my Clan! but you have to be karus. My clan name is Blue_Rebellion and you can pm my char _ShadowX_ i am lvl 23 and my clan is new but it has strong players in it a few lvl 30+ and a lvl 41 and 56 those are my top clan members!