Originally posted by Distopia Originally posted by prowess
Any person who is involved in social engineering or identity theft learned NOTHING new from this post. This is a warning for everyone doing business with ZoS... That they're ena…
The ONLY mention of public userID's on their system is when you create a FORUM account. When you create a userID for game login, they do not implicity tell you that this will be exposed to user in game. It is expected that my character's name be e…
I saw some guy chatting, I set him to ignore, opened a google browser and typed in the userID the game gave me and found his facebook, linkedin, twitter, personal photo site on flickr, his address, etc etc.
Originally posted by Iceman8235
So you got pissed off at a guy, tried to find as much information out about him as you could because you're crazy, then came to the realization that someone could do the same to you and tried to get your userID chang…
All I was trying to do is protect myself against people getting my userID and trying to let others know about how easily attainable a userID is. I just didnt want some asshat trying to look up my facebook, linkedin, twitter, and other various info …