This agent is ready to deploy and can't wait for its launch. It is innovative, imaginative and driven by an enthusiastic community and team. This is going to be pure adrenaline and magic.
Over the weekend I met with a few friends and suggested the Black Watchmen to them as an exciting new game. They all liked the premise. They all liked the concept. But they all pointed to the lack of dedicated webpage to make them feel secure eno…
Exactly Santiak! Looking back at it, if we had had a few intrepid reporters accompany the man with the briefcase in Montreal as both ic/ooc news reporters but faced with their own unique puzzles to solve could have led to an explosion of buzz. Repo…
I think a mini ARG is a great way to go but how about taking it a step further. Invite participation from contributors from gaming magazines. PC Gamer springs to mind. Offer an interview and then the opportunity for them to participate in the min…