Nice Screenies. I have my Pioneer key and am just waiting till SoG opens up so I can see a little of what DnL has to offer.
See some of you in game soon.
The screenys/vids I have seen lately have toon models looking alot smoother.
As for the Landscape the Lighting and Textuering look sweet. IMO
As for People Flameing others for looking forword to a game I dont get it.I have better things to do w…
I cant wait to get into SoG if I can get a key. I will be happy to see what i am infor in to april release.
And I have no clue why some one would say the standing time for a good MMO is 6 months. How could one get burned out on a game that is …
Originally posted by BuZeR
Originally posted by turkeybound
isn't it interesting that every single beta tester leak about this game has been negative. You'll soon find out why.
Well the thing is the game is not finished and thats why i…