Have you guys that are recommending CoH leveled past level 10? From what i hear is the treadmill is ther in CoH too without the variety that l2 has. I understand the genre novalty and want to give Coh a chance too. however, I would like to hear f…
exp loss and corpse run. I agree with death should have a penalty that hurts. It keeps the really bad players away from me once the game gets past a certain skill level.
I think EQ implimented death very well.
Yes it would seem I am on the same time table as you. I also recieved a "cds have been shipped email" on the 25th. I am in Michigan, so what about a week from France? Two weeks? I am getting excited to be able to stress test this game.
yeah, just quit horizons. held my interest for two months so i say it was decent... swg, daoc, ffIX, all didn't hold my interest more than a few weeks each. EQ well that was a three year sickness, hehe but fun all the same.
Yep I am bored, and …
I was very surprised with the WoW beta signup too. So it makes me think that the company wants to get a random selection of people into beta so that they get some good "testers", kewl d00des, greifers, part time players, and those that can't figu…
isnt wish like what the original poster describes? still in development of course, then there is the newer ultima online coming out in the next few months. okay a pointless post