Yeah, that's right guys - attack me before you even know who I am, who I write for and what the article will be like. You expect the common journalistic reaction to video games; well, I hoped to get an uncommon gamer reaction to a genuine researche…
Thank you very much, everyone! Reading these have really changed the argument of this article, so I really am very grateful. It's difficult, almost impossible, to find the gamers' view on these things - especially when so much reactive rubbish has…
I understand your attitude - there's plenty of rubbish written about all this. I am genuinely trying to write something different, but it's hard when you're not giving me anything to use as a defence.
It's only a game, I know - but why play…
Oh no - it's simply in response to the people who have died in the East (Korea, China etc) - there's plenty of people who will put out that kind of attitude, but I was hoping to get your opinions on this - ie, not the usual 'gamers are just misanthr…