Even if every feature on the list will be implementend in retail, theres another problem:
From the developer point of view, all features may work as expected in retail.
From the playes point of view, most features wont be implemented at all.
My ultimate opinion on this poorly argumented topic:
There are two issues to discuss distinctly, the preoder benefits in retail and the potential "greed/ripoff" factor.
I. Regarding the preoder benefits, there isnt a way to tell if thats right o…
Originally posted by Fadeus
Then you find another way to choose a select few to be the pioneers other then those that have their wallet our first. Like perhaps a similar method to TRUE beta testing applicantions, so they are chosen based on some…
What infra172 meant (and imho sayed, correct me if im wrong):
The delay isnt the problem, but the "fanboi" posts. Those posts that lack objectivity by stating the improvement by delay is a indisputable fact, when in truth you only can make a good …
My favorites so far:
- EAI including a dynamic gameworld. Im sick of beeing the glorious dwarfen dude #350023 defeating (*enter random static bossname here*) For illustration: Link to a great german wow comic. I guess its possible to understand th…
Maybe permadeath in The Chronicle is great .. maybe not, who knows right now ? The success of features like permadeath strongly depends on the surrounding environment.
One point that cant be mentioned often enough is, that only other main characte…