I just think its funny when "dedicated" WoW-players gets all worked up whenever someone in any way possible posts something criticizing their beloved online slot-machine game.
I quit after 52x24 hours of play, yaaayyy i know
Hitting lv 60 was f…
Charging for an expansion (correctly spelled???) is a bit steep, not that they havent put a fair amount of time in it, but hey....
They haven´t really got much endgame content for lv 60´s in the first place, or? If you dont like repeating the same …
Originally posted by paravion
Also to get from one place to another (10-20 min). Wait time for BG or LFG all that crap..(10-20 min). Auction stuff (15-45min). The lag (10-15min). PVP alterac valley (1.5h - 5.5h), AB (10min - 35min). You need D…