Since when has the EverQuest franchise EVER been about PvP?
Sheesh. PvPers thinking every game should have Open-World PvP. I didn't see people walking into Darkfall going "Man I can't wait to PvE in this game." There can be different niche ga…
Just another one.
A set of gear that is the class-specific, end all be all for that class. Look at EverQuest (again.) You could raid in any assorted set of gear. Yes the class stuff was nicer, but you weren't railroaded out of groups/raids/et…
I'm truly split on this whole stall/auction house type thing.
I guess my favorite MMO would be EQ1 (up through Planes of Power. After that it just started to grow more and more like WoW every day. WoW has it's spot, but it's obviously not for a l…