Given the level of inbreeding in game design, production values, culture, and business models, I don't have high hopes for any of these.
Paid alpha launches, DLC and microtransaction ripoffs, poor story, high twitch/low tactic mechanics, specta…
DGIT! THQ and your fiscal ruin! (RIP Dark Millenium) I'll also wait til it's out of paid alpha and goes on 90% sale on Steam. But that's the problem with WH40K these days... a tragic, almost tantalizing dribble of attempts at Shooter/Rpg/MMO.
[um, red square thingy] Pre-WoW Era (1999-2004)
Generally agree with jinxxed0.
Games, beginning with WOW, are worse mmorpg's--they are just Smorgp's now.
Not only are the social aspects gone, but the tactics are gone as well.
And, no: emotes…
SWTOR has never been a mMorpg, it's been a SmoRPG (solo massively online...) and yet its best-in-class solo content--the class story arcs--has EA-$hat-covered except for perhaps two summers?
Several of the class arcs are nothing short of divine…