Originally posted by Aelious Originally posted by Rydeson Originally posted by Aelious
I think they are wondering what will happen if two players approach an NPC, one with good faction and one with not so good faction.
If the NPC woul…
Originally posted by Infantryonline "Change the world, and you write your own story..." "If you think its the same old mmo, you havent played our game"
"When you walk into a city you will not see a sea of people with question marks over …
Originally posted by Markusrind Perfect timing. Guess the go ahead was given for the next round of information releases
A great interview by Locksixtime done while at SOELive with the 2 main AI …
Originally posted by lizardbones Originally posted by Azoth Originally posted by Nadia Originally posted by lizardbones I haven't seen any explanation of what will happen if the players kill all the Orcs, or if they cut down all the trees, …
After watching these presentations I can see that a destructible world is probably needed to make storybricks successful and I think that they stated that in an interview.
If for example orcs attacks a farm and it is burned down to a ruin for every…
Here are some links I found with more information about the AI which I think I haven’t seen in this thread, I apologize if the information isn’t new:
Please note that this seems to be second hand information so it might not all be true.
There are …
I think that Storybricks system has a lot of potential and I really hope it becomes great.
As I understand it you could compare it in some way to the SIMs games.
In the SIMs every SIM has desires, some are social, some wants success and some want…