is recruiting a SMN for a T8 progression group.
Also starting a T9 group that is in need of melee and spell DPS.
Social and crafters are also welcome
Hosting events from time to time in the FC and the Server.
Want to join?
is recruiting social and experieced players to join our awesome bunch.
Also currently in need of all classes for our new static teams.
Team Rocket (progressing on T8) is in need of a SMN for their static group.
Have any questions? Send a /tel…
is always recruiting new members and more experienced players to join our fun ranks.
Currently in the making of 2 new static teams.
sounds interesting?
is always looking for more ppl to join or awesome FC/clan.
Want to be part of something fun and be a part of a big family?
Join us at
With Love,
is always recruiting new and experienced ppl to join our fun and crazy bunch.
Atm, we are in the making of 2 new static teams (then we are up at 10 teams) and Konvict Gaming had the first server giveaway, with alot of ppl showing up! It was a hit…
is recruiting 1 Caster and 1 DD for our new static group who will progress on T6/T7. Sound interesting? Make an applications at
We are also recruiting everyone, social or hardcore for the clan.
Come join us
With love…
is currently recruiting for our new static that will start progressing on T6/T7.
We are also always recruiting social players, hardcore players and PVP ppl.
Welcome at
is recruiting for a progression group for t9+. Group is newly forming but with experienced players. We're also recruiting for another newly forming group (starting with T6-7). If interested in any of these, please let us know! If not interested in …
Still looking for more ppl to join our awesome and crazy clan!
We have 2000+ members and 300+ active on TS every day (and this is just the clan).
Our FC on Odin is amazing with, Ofc, Amazing ppl. With ALOT of ppl active every day
Want to know…
Bumpidi bump bump
Still looking for new and experienced ppl to join our awesome clan!
Want to be part of something crazy and fun?
Apply at