dude most of us.. ( at least me ) have all those components, just that ps3 has what... better graphics card and 2 processors.??? and blueray??? come on'.. whos' ganna pay 55 to 65 $ for a movie that is fomarted in to a blueray disk?? sony should sti…
hey!! this site is pretty good. I even think that it's better than the Official site... 'ibeen to the official site and hasnt' been uptdate for like 1 month. but this site www.knightsunited.com its cool .. go I giveyou good props. hommie, for doi…
Yeah!! I know a game that is free and good... Guild Wars .. just check out the rating from this site... ofcourse you need to buy the software, but hey its' beat 14.99 a month like WOW... KE it' cool, but weird when I play it..