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  • Warhammer Fantasy PC games:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Warhammer Online Mark of Chaos Shadow of the Horned Rat Dark Omen Blood Bowl   Warhammer 40k PC games: Rites of War Final…
  • Personally I play a large undead army, and have also played Necromunda and Epic. The chaos beastman army, while a seperate army list, is still part of the chaos realm.  They are based in the same lands, follow the same gods and are often lead by c…
  • Story wise due to alliances it would be possible to make it good vs evil, Dark elves don't attack Orcs as they don't want a war when they are concentrating on destroying mankind.  The good races generally don't attack each other (enough to worry abo…
  • Basically they need to make sure whatever PvP style is picked matches the story/background.  You would not have carnage in the streets of the empires cities, you would not have inquisitors ambushing witch hunters, but humans, elves and Dwarves shoul…
  • There were screenshots and videos before the game was cancelled, but as this is going to be a new engine and company so those are probably all invalid now. But regardless of that of course its going to be dark 'n vicious.  Thats the whole design p…
  • The problem is that the undead don't really develop as such, mostly they are created in the form they stay for centuries.  I can't see how a necro would get bandaged up to become a mummy, or just decide to become a liche.  Usually the transition tim…
  • While blood bowl as a seperate standalone game could be a laugh, I would hope they don't include it in the MMORPG.  Its got a comedy feel to it, and can't really be justified in a Warhammer fantasy setting.  Arena pitfighting would make sense, but a…
  • Warhammer 40k has a much too large scale to work well as a MMORPG.  We are talking planet size invasions, a billion imperial guardsmen dropped onto a planet at a time.  You need the scale of at least Dawn of War with hundreds a side to really give i…