Warhammer Fantasy PC games:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Warhammer Online
Mark of Chaos
Shadow of the Horned Rat
Dark Omen
Blood Bowl
Warhammer 40k PC games:
Rites of War
Personally I play a large undead army, and have also played Necromunda and Epic.
The chaos beastman army, while a seperate army list, is still part of the chaos realm. They are based in the same lands, follow the same gods and are often lead by c…
Story wise due to alliances it would be possible to make it good vs evil, Dark elves don't attack Orcs as they don't want a war when they are concentrating on destroying mankind. The good races generally don't attack each other (enough to worry abo…
Basically they need to make sure whatever PvP style is picked matches the story/background. You would not have carnage in the streets of the empires cities, you would not have inquisitors ambushing witch hunters, but humans, elves and Dwarves shoul…
There were screenshots and videos before the game was cancelled, but as this is going to be a new engine and company so those are probably all invalid now.
But regardless of that of course its going to be dark 'n vicious. Thats the whole design p…
The problem is that the undead don't really develop as such, mostly they are created in the form they stay for centuries. I can't see how a necro would get bandaged up to become a mummy, or just decide to become a liche. Usually the transition tim…
While blood bowl as a seperate standalone game could be a laugh, I would hope they don't include it in the MMORPG. Its got a comedy feel to it, and can't really be justified in a Warhammer fantasy setting. Arena pitfighting would make sense, but a…
Warhammer 40k has a much too large scale to work well as a MMORPG. We are talking planet size invasions, a billion imperial guardsmen dropped onto a planet at a time. You need the scale of at least Dawn of War with hundreds a side to really give i…