For those who havn't tried out Elite...just DO IT. It may seem empty...but the real fun of Elite isn't going around following a story that's been scripted out and everyone plays the same thing, and instead creating your own path. You'll start out …
There was a player in Elite: Dangerous who's mother passed, and she was memorialized by having a planet named after her when the Devs found out about it.
CODE have spread their filth into Elite: Dangerous as well recently...only instead of targeting traders, they hunt Explorers, who they know almost always have no shields and no weapons, and are built to be as light as possible to travel as far as po…
I don't play most normal MMOs, but in World of Tanks and War Thunder, I've been known to be a dirty kill-stealing bastard on occasion (rack up 5+ kills in WoT, with under 1k damage? Yep, hold those shots til I can oneshot everything I see). I also…