Originally posted by uaprsf
You know, I am really looking forward to this game. I click on links like Dev Journals to get info on the game. I can understand how a company might want to keep a tight wrap on stuff as planned things change or comments…
See you must learn to multitask Erik! I've told you this before. I can email, play Animal Crossing, demand that my avatar in HJ have special earrings AND build all at the same time. And from home too. And stop killing my Ukar! They like me! They …
Hi all!
Cinnamon here! Now just to make you drool even more..HJ IS just that shiney...lighting effects are amazing. And if you're a big fan of character creation..WOW are you ever going to LOVE the character creator. So so many ways to make…
Originally posted by HJ-Cinnamon
Anyway, hello nice to meet everyone and yes I'm always this crazy.
Yes..*deep sigh* She is....
Um..have you SEEN my swords in HJ? You wanna piece a me Mister?! Don't make me get Airien on you!
Ok no more Starbucks for you young Jedi. Now hand over your light sabre and go sit in the corner...go on now!
But seriously. Just because you don't SEE us working, doesn't mean we aren't You'll get your game and I promise it'll be worth…
Well I never played Gemstone..ok I played it one day but it was an accident, lol.
I was stictly a Modus Operandi girl, even when it was on AOL. Ah...the good old days. I loved and still love Modus. In fact I think I'll play right now..oh wait I…
I'm an Ever "crack" um..Everquester from way back and I've played the new one as well. In all honesty when I first started working on HJ, because I got into the game or read any of the lore, I thought the same thing.
Once I got in, the first thing…
I'm Cinnamon, everyone's favorite spice. (shut up Axiom)
I'm a GIRL gamer, and I feel I have to say that, because people think we are a myth. I'm currently in college seeking a degree in something I'm terrible at, but I love a challenge. …