Sinister Swarm is still recruiting new Members for their Blade and Soul Chapter! Come on, Come all to join one of the best darn group of people you could ever meet to play this awesome game together.
We have plans within plans set up for h…
yes you were right wolfpack there was. i got so busy i messed up my dates haha. But sadly all weekends are over now and all we can do is wait for headstart/release. but have no fear. the swarm is here and ready to ring in the new year with Blade…
Whose ready to kick some Cerulean Butt this weekend! get it together people this is last beta weekend before Launch and you KNOW you want o join the Swarm! Whoo hoo!
That extended Beta Week Was Awesome!!! We got so many new members and all of them are a blast! We are almost at clan lvl 5 in Beta and still Growing so Come check us out people! Hail Swarm!