I love guildwars, because it is beautiful it simply is stunning to run around and go 'Wooo' at for most of pre-searing.
The fact that everyone can have a different build for their character is probably what attracts me to the game play, as you hav…
Personally I love Guildwars, but i see the PvP weekend as a bad move.
I imagine getting more people in to guildwars was part of the point of the weekend, but i don't know many people that tried it for the first time through this preview weekend s…
There is already the ale for the crazy drunk effect, and you can often find goups of people dancing around and i can only assume they are drunk at the time. Guildwars is such a pretty game that i think in a way being stuck in a pub would be a bit of…
Between the close of the 2nd test and the open of the 3rd they did reopen the account sign up, I got an account last week.
Unfortunatly due to the servers all being overburdened at the moment i haven't got to play yet, it does look good and i look…