the first cataclysm itself was a nice event with a fun activity and nice rewards from it. the bugs i had went from about 100( february) to like 2-3.
that being said, the basegame itself doesnt offer any reason to play the game.
unless you l…
KroxMalon said:
Theocritus said:
Sounds kinda risky taking a game that failed miserably on PC and trying it again on XBOX.
Not really. They have taken all of learning from the failed one and improved it ten hold an…
This comment section again...
90% of the critique here is based on pure stupidity and lack of knowledge.
The only valid critique is that its from nexon and personal opinions of disliking the art style and gameplay.
It will very likely be a …
Siris23 said:
I tried getting back into GW2 a couple months back, was enjoying the story but inventory management ended up driving me away
are you serious? gw2 has by far the best inventory management ive ever seen in any mmorp e…
< A good example is that everyone gets to upgrade their Light level to 650 which is months worth of farming/content by it self
depends on how much you play and on what lvl you currently are. The majority being 600 already,50 isnt really…
Halflife 3 will never happen. If anything then a comeplete reboot or something like that.
Halflife Immortal for iOS and Android, do you guys not have phones?
this is not seen as a lineage successor, but a fkin great mmo since a long time. There is also lineage eternal, which we might be able to play in 2367864years.
"hey audience/fanbase, some of you paid to be here and hundreds of thousands are watching online rightnow, so today after years of waiting we gonna announce something that isnt targeting you but totally diffrent people, enjoy" - basically the diabl…
He might be playing a younger version and that lets let the dumb argument that "clean is sexier and that sells well" pass aswell.
It still doesnt change the fact that he doesnt fit at all, not even as young geralt. He looks like raiden from mortal…
hows the game now? ive never heard anything good about it yet,there were so many complaints that i ignored it. but watching some videos i like the gunplay,the weapon and armor designs.
Did they fix all that stuff that ppl were hating prior?
i tried it out back then,stopped cause lack of time but i got time now.
I would play it if i wasnt scared off by the dev, but is it really as bad as gameforge is known to make it?
thats some dumb shit to say. all the points why its a mass effect, are trash. because none of these things were invented or popularized by mass effect.
assassins creed games are RPG´s now (thank god), no need to compare it another single rpg.
Galadourn said:
"Concurrent" is misleading. Yes 50,000 were online, but in separate servers of ~40ppl max.
so what? what is your point even? thats still concurrent players and the 40ppl per server makes total sense for this type o…