aseasekio said:
@Admin Really, tomorrow many people won't be able to claim those keys. Let us try it now one more time. Just one more time. Please. Think it over.
sadly this aint true at all i was there during the giveaway on friday whi…
Zodiac66 said:
Look sites back up just do it so we can get codes
lol because most who was waiting already left now would truly be the best time but it would be kinda dishonest of them and i doubt these guys would do that
admin if you…
DreamyGamer said:
I dont get why people even sell those codes for so much money. Over $100, are you serious? Its more than the game!
thats what happens when the devs make exclusive shit that only a few can get it also doesn't help tha…
nudis95 said:
More dbd players in here then in THE GAME LUL GG.
LOL sheeit son im sure most those kids are just gonna end up either selling or giving it away to some scrub with 10hours
admin you got enough keys for all of us?? hell eve…
SinfullyLuminous said:
Wow. Someone told me they came out at this time (1:40pm)... I have been waiting and now I hear they come out earlier. Us DBD vets never get lucky... i'd be happy with anything.
i know that feel buddy i actually ca…
yo admin can you let us know or give us a hint as to what time the codes will be up tomorrow?? i thought it would be the same time as yesterday but today was an hour earlier and i missed out completely.......