Hoffmayer said:
Please guys.. Answer to me..
Admin will post the link here at the forum? And the giveaway will be still at the mmorpg.com or what?..
Admin will post the link in this forum and he will also lock the forums so that spam po…
Inzaliam said:
2/04/2017 were the keys?
No keys weren't given out yesterday because of the huge traffic causing the website to crash. Hopefully it doesn't happen again today =3
even though admin says it's in 20-30 mins i still keep refreshing like a crazy person >X< mainly because im sleepy and need to do something to stay awake.
-prays for street meg-
Wonder if any other aussies are lurking around here too
Kruakiin said:
hi there so when the keys are up how do i enter it, what do i click so that i have a chance to get a code? can an admin help me?
make sure you're logged in prior incase the website gets unstable again - makes it much easier…