Sounds like a very promising MMORPG, the concepts are really great. Would be a first, let's hope it will all go according to the plan, I can't wait for this game, it sounds great.
Yes, ppl from other countries will be able to play, but, why after OB, in the OB ppl from other countries will play too, that's what I know.. Correct me if I'm wrong someone
Do you even know what a FPS is ? Or did you hear about this term from some friends of yours? The same question about MMORPG's ! Why did you stop posting, embarassed ?
Well , this game rullz , I mean , it has new systems and stuff implemented , can u tell me another game that has bloodlines ??? Like , u r able to get married , but not only that . They have that skill thingie , it's not level based , that is cooler…