I'll probably give this game a go. Had a lot of fun with the build mode in Fallout 4. Might wait a bit til after release though. Much prefer buying off Steam than downloading another stupid launcher... *cough* Blizzard *cough*
Scellow said:
I'm a simple man, i see Asian company i say no
Call me a curmudgeon, but I feel the exact same way. Love me some MMOs, but I sure can't stand the garbage asian companies keep trying to sell us.
Definitely excited for the upcoming MMO release. Been playing LiF YO quite a bit with friends. I expect there will be hiccups and issues like all launches, but this game has some great features and is quite a gem IMO. Warning for those who've never …
Neither. I'll be playing the Life is Feudal MMO. (which hopefully will open up by the end of 2017) It's about as sandbox-ey as they come and I really enjoy that early medieval setting.
I was interested at first, but it's got too many red flags for me to put money on right now. Gonna let this one cook until it's done then check the reviews. Got plenty of other games to play in the mean time.