It definitely takes away from the fun. I'd prefer a fresh experience. But I guess if you're big enough into it, then your fresh experience is the beta itself.
@Tiller That's pretty cool to hear how you use it. I've imagined people might want to idle there on the job or while playing another game. I have a lot of ideas and plans for how this can be so different from SL that most people won't make a compa…
Thanks @Tiller. I'm going to look through those videos and the second life portals. It looks like Second Life's music has grown a lot since the last time I checked in on it around 2012. We did have a group called "They Stole My Crayon" perform a tes…
FlyByKnight said:
Good luck, but this seems like a bad game wrapped around an even worse idea. At least it says it's an MMO though AMIRITE?
Former Minion of Evil Record Empire
If I can do this without any fundi…
It's pretty awesome to see the different viewpoints of people on our game. I'm Andy, and I'm giving this my best shot. The Kickstarter is actually live now at