They need reworks all around. Too many cooldowns with asymmetric timers leads to a lot of unnessecary chaos, and UI space is at a premium already. But this meta is why I'm not raiding atm.
Kabulozo said:
Most players don't give a fuck about MMOs anymore, mainly in west. In the age of battle royale and MOBAs (competitive gaming as a whole) dominating the space there is no interest for AAA PC MMOs anymore, at least in west. Mobile …
Well, at this point there are several things that would greatly contribute to success. One would be willingness to invent a new role system that doesn't put too much responsibility for party survival onto one guy and too little onto a truck load of …
Kickstarter isn't a bad idea. It gives a lot of initial feedback on a game idea and helps gauge interest. However, the direction of development needs to change quickly based on user feedback. Those ks projects went under because the users lost inter…
My two cents:
1. Incremental, meaningful improvements to themepark setup. Like fixing what we know is broken (the unholy trinity).
2. Scrum Agile: If someone is going to be developing for 7-8 years, they need to be demoing deliverables to the users…