EU is at a all time low It hasnt recovered from the opening of the NA server. NA still isnt anywhere near what EU used to be.
That said. Even in a less populated DF world if their were faster modes of transportation it would be a lot easier+faster…
Darktide does have the highest population average at about 400-420ish online.
The others range from 90-250ish.
Honestly I wouldnt waste my time with AC/DT nowdays. The game has been broken for YEARS and having come back to try out the 14day …
everyone wants pre trammel.
i would GLADLY give EA 13bucks a month to play uo classic shard.
I think the big problem is they dont WANT to have to support a classic shard because it would turn into more then just 1 classic shard but at least 4.
Pretty much everyone has posted my reasons as well.
Started UO day 1 retail and never looked back. It had SO much freedom in what you can do and "Get away" with in game. The PvP was simply the best. it was all about player skill and knowledge o…