Originally posted by VixenHeart
Originally posted by Madd069
I am using the Kings of Chaos Clone and am currently hiring programming staff. The staff will be paid accordingly to how much work they do. I am not puttin a large description here, b…
Originally posted by Grimsom
can we have a link to a website of your game, or maybe what your using to make the game, are you coding it yourself or using rc or kaneva or multiverse we need more info on the game.
I plan to code most of it by mys…
I am using the Kings of Chaos Clone, whichis a text based strategy
games. No realy graphics, although I could implement them if needed. It is going to Space Age.futuristic theme, and the current Beta name is Novawars.
Ok, from some new information I got, it sounds like PHP might not be all that is needed. In in KoC clone, I want to code some BOTs, or AI users. Im not sure what language that would be, so if someone could tell me, that would be great.
Some coding work. I know PHP but I qouldnt say enough to do everything I would want to. This job wouldnt be very strenuos at all, but might involvesome tiem and patience.