As far as leveling goes in WHFRP upon which I think this game is based you don't level exactly...
You start out with a noob career, which has specific attribute bonus' and skills which you can pick up by spending your xp until you exhaust the bon…
Mounts should be uber, a knight on a war horse should have an additional FEAR radius effect... time you see a mounted police officer square off with his horse and imagine starting a fist fight with it...
Mounted troops are hardcore and s…
Just to set the record straight...
Warcraft is the imitator artstyle wise...Warhammer had beedy-eyed square-jawed orcs with giant shoulder pad armor 20 years before Warcraft was even a glimmer in a game developers burns me up to think tha…
I'm hoping WAR will be more about complicated character development and less about having the coolest uber weapon ( I want there to be awsome toys for all the girls and boys, but...) because that's what set WHFRP on a plateau above the other pencil …
I think this game will be based more on the Fantasy Role Play rules then the "Battle" rules...
I GM'd Warhammer FRP so I played every race and all the monsters too
I hope mounts will be included!
My 2 cents:
Horsemanship as a skill set is unlocked at certain levels for certain character/race combos.
This game will be using the career path caracter development last i heard so maybe you will have to work …