The game leaves much to be desired. A single playthru for the story is nice. Then a season pops and it's back to a dull grind again, and a small story. After about lvl 70 it feels like a crawl. Yeah there's stuff to do....but why? There's no big bad…
Kyleran said:
harken33 said:
Kyleran said:
For those still following
This is the frustrating thing for me, this game as BEST can tell in the last week of looking again at what is out there and what to come, is a perfect fit. I want to try it out. BUT I hate to say it putting money into games has bit me in the ass on …
Well good as any to stretch my old legs.
I am, for all intents and purpouses, at heart a tank. But I tend to vary from the realm of a Protective guardian of a at times snapping out at others in a murderous attack of a Death Knight. I l…