Fury's Requiem Community
I'm an unofficial VMod for REQUIEM: Desiderium Mortis that runs a Discord Community that everyone is welcome to join. With the game's forums now closed, I felt we needed a place to gather and share information on the game. There is extensive info on the server now and everyone is welcome to contribute or just lurk for the announcements and chats. We have an easy to remember custom invite link: https://discord.gg/playrequiem. If that is ever deactivated for any reason, there is also a link on Requiem's official website under Community "Fansites" (https://discord.gg/WRrkekm75k).
Scot said:
As you are so involved in this game would love to hear some stories about actual play, we get so little of that on the forums. At best we get a video and a line of comment...some of us like to read.
I have the opposite prob…
*Wololo! Time to cast "resurrection" on this dead and dusty Requiem forum.*
I have taken up the flag on this game and decided to become a defacto Community Manager. I don't yet have enough comments on these forums to create my own discussions, …
I got an answer on the Discord server in case anyone else is new and wondering the same thing. There is a post count requirement to combat bots posting on the site. When I learn the count requirement I'll post that here. I do feel like this should b…
I am perplexed why I can't find a way to create my own posts. There is no button that I can find and I am starting to question my sanity xD. Do I have to comment on existing posts to get to some level to create a discussion or create a post? I feel …
Scot said:
ReqFury said:
In case someone is interested in checking this game out.
The info on this game is always very challenging to locate due to the age of the game and the fact this game is pretty niche to begin with. If …
In case someone is interested in checking this game out.
The info on this game is always very challenging to locate due to the age of the game and the fact this game is pretty niche to begin with. If you would ever like to check it out, I highl…