The possibly only way any Sandbox MMO possibly work, IMO, would be if it's TTRPG style, and even then either only by Text with supervision and imagination, or so simple in design that it could be changed/corrected at a moment's notice, with extremel…
Scot said:
NamesNoneOfYourBiz said:
The social experience will be tossing Schadenfreude and "I told you so" at them. Everyone knows the only thing players drive a world to is ruin. If they don't get scammed first, that is.
The game encou…
Ponzini said:
NamesNoneOfYourBiz said:
Which is why I will stick with FFXIV and LOTRO, because at least there is a world I can immerse myself into.
Thats cool man you do that. Not sure why the PvE guys always have to come into PvP …
dsvice said:
Well MMORPG is supposed to be a social experience, no? If someone is stronger but some levels higher you may, if the rolls correct, could win. Otherwise it may not just be a friend. Course you'll have a tougher time with a higher l…