was excited when uo housing was mentioned...but then they talked about instanced housing. No diff than lotro...etc. Lost all interest. If it isn't like uo housing....then it really isnt open world housing. No way around that. Wrong of them to …
I have actually tried to dream about a game but have never been able to. Been playing since the old BBS days, before UO came out. Always wanted to have a UO dream lol.
My first "mood swing" came from UO. Friends and I pitched in all our gold t…
Thank you! My ssd is 256, and the only thing on it is windows7. Everything else goes on the hard drive, and that only holds current games (gw2, bf3,LotRO), so it's got plenty of space on it. I've never defragged the ssd of course, and I haven't be…
Hello Quizzical, always enjoy reading your posts. Been so long since I've posted (if I ever have) that I had to retrieve my password so that I could ask you a question. I build my own computers, and on my current I used a crucial 256 ssd, a…
"What a cumbersome quote system! I would like to be able to quote just part of a person's post"
Just cut-n-paste the portion you want to quote, then add your reply...like I just did with your sentence.
If your aren't familiar w…
A most excellent post Eindrachen!
I wish there was a C'est la Vie server. A server that casual gamers could transfer to, with the expectation of joining a server for the casual gamer. Solo and small group content over 40-man dungeon content. Heck,…
I have to agree with this post. I even stopped at level 59, created a hunter to level 12, then decided to give EQ2 a second shot. I don't really enjoy EQ2 that much, but at least I can accomplish things solo, and see places I haven't seen before.