The first edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battle (WFB) was released by Games Workshop in early 1983. Prior to this release, the company dealt primarily with the importing of American Role-playing games, as well as supp…
At a quick glance Warhammer looks exactly like WoW, but I think there are a lot of key differences that seperate it. For one the oRvR is coming along nicely, I find myself doing nothing but RvR for days and missing entire PvE zones because of it. …
The server I played on got merged like all the others and honestly I think the game is infinitely better for it. Finally I can just jump into RvR or public quests without any real hassle or idleness. People are playing and the game is as it was i…
The wife and I both resubscribed and have been enjoying the game a lot again. I think the biggest improvement was the recent server mergers. Finally when I log in as a lower level character the zones are not completely empty. A lot of their impro…
Wurm had potential, but it is just lacking. Have to agree with Hunter on this one, feels like the game isn't finished, and not in the way a MMO should be 'unfinished'. I mean, there are key elements that makes a game interesting and fun completely…