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  • Yeah but your also forgetting that everyone's expectation is different. It's funny that you even choose that name for your post. If you didn't like the game, does not mean other's wont. If you write a long "review" just how badly this game sucks, …
  • My 6 year old cousin plays the game and is pretty good with it.. I met a 32 year old..who I thought was a 6 year old..I would have never guessed...don't see a difference really.
  • haha omg Vanguard offered a double xp weekend! No they can't do it..thats so unfair..they tricking people in to making them stay, its the end of the world!! Shit they selling cow mounts too, they pretty cool actually..gnomes get to ride them for fr…
  • You people seriously have nothing better to do but whine over a game? Don't buy it, no one is forcing it on you. Let the vanguard players deal with it..They decide if they want to cancle their account or not. If its a ploy, its a ploy..if people…
  • and I highly doubt you'd ever be able to see masks... But who knows..maybe it be like rappelz
  • Well..you have to pay for WoW and not everyone can afford to pay and play.. you don't have to yet pay for Yulgang unless your using an item shop. There is still a difference between pay to play games in getting their members and free to play games..…
  • As far as I had seen most MMORPG's are grind fests, its just what they are. Hell even Everquest is a grindfest but look how many people enjoy it. You grind for Levels, you grind for AA's you grind for spells, for runes for the spells...for gear..an…