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  • Ah, a proxy server.. Yes, that too.. Thats why i never actually blame blizzard for saying "theres not a lot we can do about it". All in all, i think i can say "bravo" to blizzard keeping the game as clean as it is right now.. While being the bigge…
  • I believe Ozmodan had the fact correct the first time. You have to know that MANY MANY countries in the world think US legal system is a joke. For example, in china, a lot of companies dont give a crap about what so called "patent". Why? Because p…
  • Yes, i never saying something about someone able to stand in the middle of the road without getting noticed. So i am very much against that part. Just as i said sets of eyes able to strip "concealment value" from a stealther real fast, that itself w…
  • Obiously, you will likely getting yourself killed if you "hide" and afk. Since it will reveal your arse within seconds when someone from the other faction looked at your direction from 5 feet away. Even now in these modern times you have snipers (…
  • Aye, i would think it is good that you can fast travel between capitals to get closer to where the fight is. However it would be great also if you have to make some trip to the battlefield. It add some reality that you need to buy some time if you w…
  • I understand that some people will think Games Workshop will likely not letting the game out as some "watered down Warhammer" product, However.. The truth is Gaming company is just that.. a company.. They will do whatever it takes to slurp some prof…