(heh, okay, I was beaten to the punch here in a much more involved way!)
Unless of course there is something fairly simple like points 'weighting' play to offset the population difference...
1/2 population means points are doubled or some such (…
Aside from Skaven, I like the undead as well. This a little tricky as well though since in order to be a PC an undead character would have be a bit more that the mindless dead, but also not so powerful as to completely overbalance things. As Necroma…
Skaven should be in the game. Unfortunately I can't think of what the racial pairing for the Skaven would be so not sure how that would work.
As for classes?
Tank: Stormvermin come to mind, though a packmaster controlling one or more rat orgres …
Very valid points!
I agree Caellach, thus the thought about exploration, delivery and possibly kill quests using the existing game event trackers. Mostly, the point was to give an option to RP more than a way to get items. Sure an auction is easie…
My wife and I play this together which is a lot of fun. The scaling definitely seems to add a measure of challenge that might not be there in the single player. I didn't play the beta much, but what i did play was noticeably more difficult (and thus…
I have no idea what that guy (mrots) is talking about. I completely applaud designers that make games backwards compatible enough that we can all play them without having to upgrade our systems constantly. I remember when half-life originally came o…