I acctualy mentioned Justice Corpse as a Joke.. Who knew?
any way.. I also like spades... sounds niftykeen....
counting down to 11:00 EST... common beta...
Ya know, my real-life name is "Stephen Shepherd"
... Yup.. SS.. So, geting them as a neat arm tattoo is right out.
thanks a lot nazis... STILL screwing people over.
PSST... Near the bottom is says "SARCASAM"<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
It's ok man, really. Ok
On a serious note, I also have never paid for a beta... Then again.. I have never BEEN…
The fact that you run a website and have "STAFF" plastered over all your posts leaves me wondering just why you have never been charged for Beta when other people have been...<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:offic…
I've seen all good peopel - Yas
Video Killed the radio star - buggles
Im playing a guy running around in out-dated WW2 power armour that his grandfather ran around in way back then.
like a naked body type thats all silver? Im guessing (since it's not out or anything) that a naked silver bald guy is a no-brainer.
as long as you can have a silver charactr.. maybe not "mirrored" per say.... but....
once teh game comes out, we can allways post our server and character names here... and plan on hooking up as a team and schtuff..
But ya, I am very looking forward to playing with some folks here..