Recommended Height is only 4'9" - 5’3” when the average male is 5'11", This is a very petite chair using a standard generic base with a better than average upper cushioned seat for Very Small people. A Bit Shocking for 399.00 us
Unfortunately I have tried to like the game but can't, I feel as if i wasted money on the game as well,. It has been a frustrating experience and because i enjoy my friends that i am grateful to play with i bought it. There are too many issues to r…
This systems exists already, not in such an elaborate application but in Asheron's Call 2 (two) your armor would get covered in blood and be more beat up as you lost HP, when you healed back up you regained a normal appearance. That game was release…
After 8 years it's a snore so for me, so its no more. Boring old stuff, content will be complete in less than 3 to 4 weeks. Why bother, be brave and do something different.
My coingratulations to Blizard in advance they will sell no less than 6 …
It amazing how many disguised NCSOFT employees and representaitves have post in this thread. They lost their poorly contived PR stunt called a law suit and now they attempt to discredit th ep2p model. People are idiots if they some how belive yo uca…