this game is very very good thoe i thought it would b as good as phantasy star online for xbox {top notch game the best phantasy star in my opinion} any ways the online is very very very good as ps2 games goes its almost as good as halo2 online for …
i didnt no that if u bought good vs evil u get both for 15 dollars a month whle im gonna go by that but i have a question if i buy that will i have to make all new guys even if i subscribe under my current play nc account
this game looks so tight and im a rele oober big lotr fan but how much will it cost if ther is cost and how long willl beta b plus idk if im want to play this game since i already am paying for another thats 15$ a month
heroes are deffinetly better in about every movie who always wins and besides who when they are little decide they want to be a villian when they grow up